Guru, Antara Mendidik dan Mengajar

Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on Selasa, 30 April 2013 at 22.15

Madrasah bagai sebuah rumah yang didalamnya ada keluarga dan didalam keluarga ada ayah, ibu dan anak. Ayah dan ibu dirumah sementara di madrasah adalah guru, anak dirumah dan siswa di madrasah. Ada ungkapan guru adalah orang tua kedua di madrasah, ini berarti tanggung jawab guru sama dengan tanggung jawab orang tua. Tanggung jawab orang tua yang utama adalah mendidik anaknya. Menurut Farid Firmansyah dalam bukunya anak merupakan investasi yang paling utama bagi orang tua. Anak itu ibarat tanaman, perlu dirawat, dijaga, dipupuk dan diberi obat supaya tumbuh menjadi tanaman yang subur sesuai dengan harapan orang tua. Di era globalisasi teknologi dan informasi, dimana internet kini telah masuk kedalam kamar-kamar anak kita sehingga tidak ada batas disini maka diperlukan sebuah filter yang kuat bagi anak-anak kita. Ini berarti tanggung jawab orang tua atau guru semakin tertantang, sebab semakin kompleks permasalahan yang melingkupi anak-anak atau siswa kita.
Anak siap “dibentuk untuk dijadikan apa saja” sesuai keinginan pembentuknya. Jika dibiasakan dan dibina untuk menjadi baik maka ia akan menjadi baik, sebaliknya apabila anak dibiasakan dengan keburukan maka anak juga akan menjadi tidak baik. Tentang Hal ini tertulis dalam sebuah Hadits, Dari Abu Hurairoh, rosulullah bersabda : “Tidaklah anak yang dilahirkan itu melainkan lahir dengan membawa fitrah. Maka orang tuanyalah yang akan menjadikannya yahudi, nasrani atau majusi”. Dari hadits tersebut tampak jelas bahwa anak terlahir dalam keadaan fitrah, peran orang tua dan guru dimadrasah sangat besar dan juga ini berarti bahwa masa depan anak, lingkungan hingga bangsa dan negara sangat tergantung dari pola pendidikan yang diberikan, baik dirumah atau dimadrasah. Apa yang sudah kita berikan pada mereka?, apakah kita hanya sekedar mengajar atau kita sudah mendidik mereka?.
Berbicara tentang apa sebetulnya perbedaan mengajar dengan mendidik ini menjadi problem dalam dunia pendidikan. Para guru kadang terjebak pada pemahaman bahwa tugas guru hanyalah mengajar, sementara melupakan proses pendidikan. Sesusngguhnya terdapat perbedaan yang mencolok antara keduanya. Marilah kita cermati sebetulnya apa perbedaan mendidik dan mengajar.

Pengertian Mendidik

Menurut Oemar Hamalik Pendidikan lebih menitikberatkan pada pembentukan dan pengembangan kepribadian, jadi mengandung pengertian yang lebih luas (OemarHamalik,1995:55). Mendidik berarti bagaimana seorang guru bisa menjadi teladan bagi murid-muridnya. Bagimana pribadi para guru itu akan dilihat dan dicontoh oleh murid-muridnya. Maka sangatlah penting didunia pendidikan seorang guru mempunyai kepribadian yang baik.

Pengertian mengajar

Mengajar menurut pengertian modern berarti aktivitas guru dalam mengorganisasikan lingkungan dan mendekatkannya kepada anak didik sehingga terjadi proses belajar. (Nasution 1935 : 5).
Bertolak dari pengertian di atas, keberhasilan mengajar tentunya harus diukur dari bagaimana partisipasi anak dalam proses belajar mengajar dan seberapa jauh hasil yang telah dicapainya.
Dari pengertian mengajar dan mendidik diatas jelas bahwa guru memiliki tugas yang beragam yang terimplementasi dalam bentuk pengabdian. Tugas tersebut meliputi bidang profesi, bidang kemanusiaan dan bidang kemasyarakatan. Tugas guru sebagai profesi meliputi mendidik, mengajar dan melatih. Mendidik berarti meneruskan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai hidup dan kehidupan. Mengajar berarti meneruskan dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Sedangkan melatih berarti mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan pada siswa.
Setelah guru memahami tugas tersebut diharapkan proses membentuk generasi penerus bangsa yang handal ilmu pengetahuannya, punya kepribadian yang kuat dan memiliki ketrampilan yang memadai dapat terrealisasi dikemudian hari. Proses pendidikan akan dapat dilihat 10 atau 20 tahun yang akan datang maka marilah kita berikan yang terbaik untuk generasi penerus bangsa.
Penulis : Aries Pujianto, S.Pd.
Kepala MTs Muhammadiyah 04 Purbalingga


Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on Minggu, 21 April 2013 at 08.12

Kebisuan Kata

Tak kuasa bernafas
Satu-satu membusuk
Dalam kerongkongan
Sejauh mungkin

Sesak penuh
Nafas tak kuasa keluar
Hanya ada dalam
Yang tak kunjung usai
Membuatku Kejang
Dalam kebisuan kata

Sesak sudah
Menguasai diriku
Hanya karena
Ego ego ego
Hanya tak ada kata
Tak ada kasih
Di antara kita
Maafkan aku
Ku harus pergi
Jauh nun jauh di sana
Tak ingin olehku
Menatap matamu lagi
Tak berharap
Dan tak kan pernah
Hanya satu kata pun
Darimu bahkan

Ku kan pergi
Jauh nun jauh
Bersama awan kelabu
Tuk bertemu pelangi hati
Sudah tak kuasa
Dada menahan sesak
Hanya kebisuan
Dalam kesempurnaan kata

Ya, hanya kata
Bahkan kata pun
Sekali saja
tak pernah pernah kudapatkan

maafkan aku
lepaskan tanganku
biarkan aku terbang
bersama angin malam
bertemu sang rembulan
 temaram dalam heningan
selamat tinggal….
Malang, 21 April 2013

Analysis on Sonnet to My Mother

Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on Jumat, 19 April 2013 at 16.56

Analysis on Sonnet
Sonnet to My Mother
By: George Barker
Most near, most dear, most loved, and most far,
Under the huge window where I often found her
Sitting as huge as Asia, seismic with laughter,
Gin and chicken helpless in her Irish hand,                                                                       
Irresistible as Rabelais but most tender for                      
The lame dogs and hurt birds that surround her,—
She is a procession no one can follow after
But be like a little dog following a brass band.

She will not glance up at the bomber or condescend            
To drop her gin and scuttle to a cellar,
But lean on the mahogany table like a mountain
Whom only faith can move, and so I send
O all her faith and all my love to tell her
That she will move from mourning into morning.

A Mother in Goerge Barker’s Sonnet
By: Siti Lailatul Hajar
Sonnet has 14 lines long and has a firmly fixed form. The sonnet works best for expressing strong emotion or intense feeling, firm purpose, or great seriousness. This form works best if you want to focus attention on a single thing—a particular idea, situation, emotion, problem, observation, etc. — the sonnet gets to its point quickly and efficiently, with beauty and charm of form or expression. Sonnet to my mother is Italian sonnets. It has two distinct sections. The first eight lines, called the octave, generally follow the rhyme scheme: abba abba. The second is formed by the last six lines, the sestet, usually has more flexibility in rhyme schemes, though the most common ones are: cdcdcd; cddcdc; cdecde; cdeced; or cdcedc. Very rarely does the Italian sonnet end in a couplet (as do English sonnets): ee. In this sonnet, the writer attempts to express his idea about his mother. In the first stanza, he introduces the mother and how the relationship between the character and the mother, while in the second stanza, the writer introduces conflict. The conflict is about the war using bomb and the strength of mother to face the war that makes the mother died. To make it easy, I am going to analyze this sonnet in the two section, octave and sestet.
First of all, I am going to analyze on the octave line by line. This sonnet is to mother. It appears from the title of the sonnet itself, “sonnet to my mother”.  Thus, the object of this sonnet belongs to woman. You may see in the second, fourth, and sixth line using pronoun “her”. It refers to Mother. Besides, in the first line of the sestet, it is found pronoun “she” and “her” again. Jumping into first line, the writer gives information without mentioning the subject. The sonnet is directly opened by sentence Most near, most dear, most loved, and most far. It means that the character –I- feels that the mother is the closest, the most loveable, and the furthest person to him. This line shows the character’s  love and admiration for his mother, however the character feels far from the mother. No reason states there. It maybe because of the distance or the death of the mother. The character –I- usually see her beneath the big window. In my interpretation, huge window is not the real window. I think the character see the mother as huge window. According to Collins: 2007, the meaning of window is a space in the wall of a building or in the side of a vehicle, which has glass in it so that light can come in and you can see out. By this meaning reveals that the character may see the world from the mother, moreover see in huge window. The light in life and knowledge to look the world are open wider from the mother.
Afterwards, the character found the mother sits as huge as Asia. Asia is a big continent. It has all things people need. “Sitting as huge as Asia” may refer to the calmness, wisdom and the completeness of the mother in Barker’s sonnet.  Suddenly, the mother is laughing because of fun or happiness. In the next line, Barker states ‘Gin and chicken helpless in her Irish hand’. I interpret this line that the mother believed that no lasting happiness, it is just temporary happiness. As an Ireland person, the mother does not have much hope in getting happiness. I analyze gin and chicken as the happiness.  She is weak to control or protect herself.  Then, Barker compares her desire is like Rabelais, Renaissance humanist, but she is very gentle and caring for the crippled dogs and injured birds that around her. The mother is very care to other people, especially to weak people. Till, nobody can do as she does, but they are like a little dog which is moving along behind a brass band, which always follow whatever the mother does.
In the next analyzing is in the sestet. This three first line from the sestet reveals the bravery of the mother. The mother will never look slightly to the bomber or war, but she will put the happiness to face the war. She is not going to run away from the war or go to cellar to hide herself, keep safety for herself only. Whatever and however, war must be faced. The choices are two, death because of struggle and fight or give up before fighting. “But lean on the mahogany table like a mountain” shows the obstinancy and strength of the mother to face the bomb. Mahogany is symbol of strength and endurance. Mahogany is known to be a rare and very expensive species of wood that has been used to construct fine furniture for hundreds of years. Mahogany is said to have strong protective qualities and is known for its ability to withstand even lightening strikes. Besides, mountain means the conviction to do something. Nothing can change her belief. Unfortunately, in the next line, I see that the mother is died because of the war. That is appeared in the sentence “I send O all her faith and all my love to tell her”. although the mother died in the war –bad condition-, the character believe that the mother is going to be happy in her new nature. She will not face war anymore in the grave.
In short, this sonnet tells about mother, tells about the great love of the character to the mother and tells about the bravery and finally the death of the mother in the war.

Aarella,Seema., retrieved on April, 4 2012 at 14.15
Collins Cobuild Dictionary. 2006. CD-ROM
Farris, Style, Sound, and Structure of Poetry (The Technical Stuff). English 12/ AP Literature, retrieved on April, 5 2012 at 14.15, retrieved on April, 5 2012 at 12.06 retrieved on April, 4 2012 at 14.18
McBride, Kelli. Characteristic of the sonnet.  --------------------

Prosa Free Verse

Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on Rabu, 17 April 2013 at 01.45

Gerimis Setia
Oleh: Bintang Sahara
Rintik-rintik hujan mulai membasahi pipi. Aku termangu dan mematung dalam gulita awan menyelimuti. Hujan. Begitulah setiap sore harus ku lalui. Namun, kali ini berbeda. Sedikit pun kakiku tak beranjak. Sedikit pun tak ada bunyi gerak kakiku berlari. Meski hujan semakin menderu deras. Biarkan hujan membasahi pipiku. Menyapunya dari debu. Meski nampak lusuh, aku masih terpaku. Di satu tempat yang sama. Satu dua dan tiga orang berlalu lalang. Menatapku tajam. Entah apa salah ku perbuat. Aku hanya berdiri di sini. Aku tak mengumpat caci maki. Atau bahkan memukuli. Tapi mengapa mereka menatapku aneh. Seolah aku adalah manusia tak waras yang lari dari rumah sakit jiwa. Hujan ini tak segera berhenti. Rintikannya semakin bersatu dan melagu merdu. Bagai irama musik kricik. Bergerincing di kaki mungilku.  Diiringi irama angin semilir. Semakkin membuat syahdu. Aku masih berdiri di sini. Orang tak kan pernah mengerti kenapa aku di sini. Mereka tak kan pernah memahami untuk apa aku berdiri. Bahkan dalam desauan hujan sore serta semilir angin mengikuti. Ah, burung-burung pun pergi. Pulang ke sangkar. Menemui anak dan istri. Begitu pula putri malu. Ia pun menutup diri. tak hendak aku ajak bercakap-cakap. Meski hanya sebentar saja. Ayam-ayam pun berlarian. Mencari tempat teduh. Khawatir bulunya basah. Namun, aku masih tetap di sini. Berdiri sendiri. Tanpa seorang pun. Semakin lama, kakiku semakin tertancap kuat pada tanah. Hujan pun semakin asyik memainkan rambutku yang terurai lembut.  Semakin lama, hujan pun akhirnya menjadi temanku. Biar orang menatapku gila, sinting dan edan, asalkan hatiku masih di sini. Hatiku masih setia menunggumu untuk selalu kau temani. Bukan, bukan. Benarkah hati ini memang untukmu? Aku pun tak pernah tahu. Entah, aku sudah cukup bahagia terpaku di sini. Bermain bersama riangnya hujan yang terus membasahi. Gerimis. Kenapa kau tak kunjung berhenti. Apa kau hendak menutupi tangis sedihku bersama tawamu. Percuma hujan. Percuma saja. Percuma kau tutup-tutupi. Pada akhirnya semua pun tahu bahwa kau lah kekasih sejatiku. Duhai gerimis yang tak pernah jenuh menemani. Aku akan tetap di sini. Setia menemanimu. Setia menunggumu hingga kau turun kembali. Aku kan tetap di sini.


Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on Senin, 15 April 2013 at 14.37

Public Speaking
By: Siti Lailatul Hajar
Ladies and Gentleman. Happy Audience…
Before talking my topic today, I am going to tell you one IMPORTANT fact must YOU know.
Medical and psychological research has shown that no matter how much you exercise or eat correctly, you are putting yourself at risk if you do not manage your anger. Anger causes a widespread negative effect on the body. Therefore, your nutritious food and your exercise are nothing if you can not handle your anger. Anger determines your continuance life.
THERE IS A STORY. Nearly 25 years ago, a man of about 50 years old collapsed and died miserably.  What was the cause of his death? He was engaged in a heated argument with another person who had provoked him. The argument became so aggressive that he ignored all attempts by others to CALM him down. As the verbal aggression gathered momentum, his lips began trembling and his words dragging as those of a DIFFICULT to SPEAK. Then, suddenly he collapsed, became unconscious and later died while being rushed to the hospital. What a TRAGIC result of anger!
There are SO MANY various provoking situations in YOUR life—maybe at YOUR home, at school, at the workplace, in the market, in the street, at the hospital, and ANY other areas, can happen any time. It may cause your anger and finally cause died.
So, today, I want to talk to you about ANGER. First of all, I am going to look at some of the reasons why people easy to be angry and of course the effect.  And after that, I am going to give you all how to control your anger. Finally, you can determine to be angry or NOT.
Almost a third of people polled (32%) say they have a close friend or family member who has trouble controlling their anger. It is not easy controlling anger.
Why does ANGER Happen? It’s because of Serious Problem, Not patient facing something, The reality as NOT as what expected, Annoyed of something or someone à e.g. promise not come OR Heated argument, and so on.
If you face one of ALL that situations, it may cause you to be angry. Then, the BAD effect also brings through your ANGER…
SO, What are the Effects of ANGER?
1.      Wrinkled appear in YOUR face
Emotions directly affect the FACIAL MUSCLES and cause them to respond by changing the depth, size, shape and position of deep wrinkles. When you are angry, you fold your face and make YOUR elasticity of your skin will be lose. Then, it may create unwanted marks later on, like wrinkles and furrows. This can be easily detected at the forehead, around your eyes, lips and cheeks. IMAGINE!!! If you are angry once every day, means you accumulate wrinkled. Then, just WAIT!!! You will be look older.
2.      Heart attack à your heart begins to beat very irregularly or stops completely à died.
Sudden heart attack cause of DEATH, accounting for over 400,000 deaths every year in the U.S.
When you get angry your heart rate increase the possible chest pain, dizziness and light-headedness can be felt. That’s why it has been said that being angry is not good for the heart for you might be facing also a high blood pressure. It is uncontrollable, then can resulted into heart problems. Anger can actually reduce the heart's ability to properly pump blood. REMEMBER!!! Heart is pump of life. Heart is like WATER for fish. Without heart, human will be died. Right?
3.      Do you think that YOU will look MACHO if you’re angry? I don’t think so.
When you are angry, you feel uncomfortable, you loss concentration, your physical energy is LOSS. Your diet is also affected, you loss your appetite. This can lead to depression, anxiety, some fall into drug addiction and alcoholism.
SO, what’s for being angry?
What should do/ how to control your anger?
1.      Wudlu (Take Ablution)
your face will have a” hot feeling” sensation, it is due to the presence of sudden flush of blood. Then, water may fresh and reduce your anger.
2.      Meditation
Take a DEEP BREATH and count to 10. Meditation can allow you to breathe, relax, reflect on the situation and take a critical look at why you're angry.
3.      Try To Avoid Instant Reactions
When you tend to be angry, you react instantly, without thinking about the consequences. A feasible way to control your anger is to avoid quick reactions to situations that make you feel irritated. Train yourself to be patience, rather than reacting strongly to something. Train to be forgivable. You do not necessarily have to forgive the person with whom you are angry in a face-to-face meeting; you can forgive in any way that works for you.
Benefit avoiding being angry?
Besides, avoiding anger may solve your problem faster and your friends are not afraid beside you. The most important thing is YOU SAVE YOUR LIFESPAN
With chronic anger people can also experience heart attacks, strokes, kidney problems, and many other DANGEROUS illnesses.

Therefore, KEEP your LIFE by KEEPING your heart. And KEEP your heart by AVOIDING anger.

Now, you can take your decision.
Thank You Very Much…



Written by Siti Lailatul Hajar (Bintang Sahara) on at 14.34

nantikan ya tulisan selanjutnya.....
Islam sesat VS aliran sesat............. :)


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